Selasa, 31 Agustus 2010
Buka Puasa Bersama Swiss -Belhotel
Acara ini terselenggara sebagai bentuk kepedulian Swiss-Belhotel Mangga Besar Jakarta kepada masyarakat sekitar. Selain itu, manajemen dan karyawan juga membagikan bingkisan lebaran kepada anak-anak dari Panti Asuhan Nuruh Iman Menteng Raya.
Selama bulan suci Ramadhan, Swiss-Belhotel Mangga Besar Jakarta menawarkan berbagai paket promo menarik, seperti: Crystal Kafe yang berlokasi di lantai dua, menawarkan sajian istimewa bagi tamu, seperti Buffet Makan Siang Sepuasnya dengan harga Rp. 77.777nett/ orang dan juga Buffet Buka Puasa Bersama Makan Berlima Gratis 1 orang dengan harga Rp. 88.888 nett/ orang termasuk tajil, kopi & teh dan tempat sholat.
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Japanese Food
Senin, 30 Agustus 2010
Murphy's Irish pub & Resto
Fasilitas yang tersedia di pub ini antara lain:
1.layar besar, sehingga para pengunjung dapat menikmati berbagai pertandingan-pertandingan penting bidang olah raga;
2.akses internet gratis (wireless);
3.interior bar khas Irlandia;
4.ruangan pendingin khusus bir;
5.sistem penyedot ruangan yang mengambil hampir 75% asap dalam ruangan;
6.ruangan aneka permainan;
7.makanan yang disediakan oleh chef yang telah berpengalaman 8 tahun bekerja pada hotel terkemuka di Dublin, Irlandia;
8.perayaan pesta pribadi atau kelompok besar.
Lihat Juga:
Chinese food
Minggu, 29 Agustus 2010
Traditionally, loose tea is brewed in a teapot and served in teacups with milk and sugar. This is accompanied by sandwiches (customarily cucumber, egg and cress, fish paste, ham, and smoked salmon), scones (with clotted cream and jam, see cream tea) and usually cakes and pastries (such as Battenberg, fruit cake or Victoria sponge). The food is often served on a tiered stand; there may be no sandwiches, but bread or scones with butter or margarine and optional jam or other spread.
A formal afternoon tea is, nowadays, usually taken as a treat in a hotel, café or tea shop. In everyday life, many British take a much simpler refreshment consisting of tea and biscuits at teatime.
While living in Woburn Abbey, Anna Maria Russell, Duchess of Bedford, is credited as the first person to have transformed afternoon tea in England into a late-afternoon meal rather than a simple refreshment.
Isabella Beeton describes afternoon teas of various kinds: the old-fashioned tea, the at-home tea, the family tea and the high tea and provides menus.
Source: Wikipedia
See also:
chinese food
Kamis, 26 Agustus 2010
Katz's Delicatessen
Since its founding in 1888, it has become popular among locals and tourists alike for its pastrami sandwiches and hot dogs, both of which are widely considered among New York's best. Each week, Katz's serves 5,000 pounds of corned beef, 2,000 pounds of salami and 12,000 hot dogs.
During World War II, Katz's encouraged parents to "send a salami to your boy in the army" which became one of the deli's famous catch phrases,[2] along with "Katz's, that's all!" which is still painted on the side of the building. The former phrase is referenced in the Tom Lehrer song "So Long Mom (A Song for World War III)", with the lyric "Remember Mommy, I'm off to get a commie, so send me a salami, and try to smile somehow". Katz is also well known for its photos of famous people eating in Katz's placed along its wall.
Katz's continues its "Send a salami to your boy in the army" to this day. The deli has arranged special international shipping only for U.S. military addresses and has been a source of gift packages to the troops stationed in Afghanistan and Iraq.
As each customer enters Katz's they are handed a printed, numbered ticket by the door attendant. As they receive their food from various stations/areas throughout the deli (separate for sandwiches/hot dogs/bottled drinks/fountain drinks etc/ a running total of the bill before tax is computed by the employees. If several people's orders are combined on a single ticket, the blank ones are collected by the cashier. Relatively recently (within the last 10 years) Katz's has instituted a "lost ticket fee" If a ticket is lost by a customer, an additional $50 surcharge is added to what is often (with sandwiches costing between $15-$17) a rather large bill. The purpose of the fee, as stated by the management is to encourage patrons to go back and find the lost ticket in the hopes of preventing theft (substituting a smaller ticket for a larger one).
Katz's was the site of Meg Ryan's and Estelle Reiner's famous "I'll have what she's having" fake orgasm scene in the 1989 romantic comedy When Harry Met Sally...; the table at which she and Billy Crystal sat, is marked with a sign that says "Where Harry met Sally...hope you have what she had!". It was also the site of Johnny Depp's character meeting with an FBI contact in Donnie Brasco. Katz's Deli is also the site for a scene in Across the Universe in which one of the main characters reveals he has been drafted into the Vietnam War. Katz's also appears in the movie Enchanted with Patrick Dempsey and Amy Adams.
Source: en.wikipedia
See also:
japanese food
Rabu, 25 Agustus 2010
Chinese Cuisine
Traditional dim sum includes various types of steamed buns such as cha siu baau, dumplings and rice noodle rolls (cheong fun), which contain a range of ingredients, including beef, chicken, pork, prawns and vegetarian options. Many dim sum restaurants also offer plates of steamed green vegetables, roasted meats, congee porridge and other soups. Dessert dim sum is also available and many places offer the customary egg tart. Having a meal in a Chinese teahouse or a dim sum restaurant is known as yum cha (yam cha, 飲茶), literally "drinking tea", as tea is typically served with dim sum.
Dim sum can be cooked by steaming and frying, among other methods. The serving sizes are usually small and normally served as three or four pieces in one dish. It is customary to order family style, sharing dishes among all members of the dining party. Because of the small portions, people can try a wide variety of food.
Dim sum dishes can be ordered from a menu or sometimes the food is wheeled around on a trolley by servers. Traditionally, the cost of the meal is calculated based on the number, size, and sometimes color of the dishes left on the patron's table (more below). Some modern dim sum restaurants record the dishes on a bill at the table. Not only is this tidier, it also prevents patrons from cheating by concealing or stealing the plates. Servers in some restaurants use distinct stamps so that sales statistics for each server can be recorded.
Openricer Review 2
Hihihi..asyik juga ya nulis review. Diinget-inget gw pernah foto-foto makanan yang laen juga nih...Setelah gw baca-baca review OR yang lain, ternyata gak mesti special occasion aja ya nulis review? Jadiii.. gw cerita lagi deh meski sebenernya sih udah agak lamaan juga ya dari anniversary gw itu. Berhubung fotonya gw simpen jadi bisa tulis deh. Waktu itu sebenernya gak laper-laper amat, makanya gak cari tempat makan dengan porsi segambreng. Gw juga gak cari makanan dengan menu yang “serius” so, makan sandwich enak kali ya.. Ternyata sandwich yang satu ini mantep banget. Meskipun kedengerannya kayak makanan ringan, ternyata bikin perut full alias kenyang mbangeti! Ini sih lebih-lebih daripada makan nasi sepiring...hahaha. Niat awalnya cuma nyari cemilan, gak taunya malah kenyang beneran. Gak apa-apa, deh. Mantep sih.
Hahaha..untung gw gak sendirian. Satu sandwich bisa diserbu rame-rame. Tower sandwich yang isinya 6 lembar roti ini macem-macem bu isinya... ada grilled chicken, beef bacon, scramble egg, rib eye steak, tuna n sauted mushrooms. Pantesan aja harganya mahal, lengkap siiih...
Btw, judulnya kan "Wish and Sandwich"... Wish-nya apa ya? Mmmm... semoga towernya diskon deh...heheheh...
Openricer review
Akhirnya bisa review lagi...!!!
hahaha... kali ini mau review salah satu restoran buffet di Grand Indonesia..
Well.. THANKS To OPENRICE atau Vouchernya... Free 1 Person Meal at Cardamon..!!!
Restoran Cardamon ini terletal di lantai 5 Grand Indonesia.. Restorannya cukup nyaman, Desain nya a`la cafe italia gitu.. tapi sebenarnya masakannya asia abis,..
Untuk suasana dan kebersihan restoran Cardamon cukup oke.. Cuma agak mengecewakan ternyata di dalem boleh smoking.. dan tidak ada space khusus para smoker.. alhasil kamipun cukup kecewa.
Ok, Langsung aja ke makanannya ya
Cardamon Restaurant memiliki konsep self service buffet yang artinya kita tinggal ambil aja makanannya dari meja saji..
1. Appetizer
Disini appetizernya ada salad dan soup...
nah karena soupnya kelihatan lebih maknyus makanya kamipun mengambil soup jagung.. nah di pojok kiri kami melihat sushi terpajang... langsung deh naluri sushinya muncul..langsung aja kita ambil..
Soup jagungnya enak..jagungnya manis asli..tapi supnya jadi agak terlalu manis..gurih sih..
sushinya standar lah.. yang enak sushi yang dibungkus telur itu..bentuknya bagus..telurnya manis-manis asin gimana gitu..
2. Main Course
Spaghetti Oriental.. Spaghetti ini nggak tawar...enak banget...pedes, manis, gurih... yummy..
Gindara Fish Finger..
Ikan gindara goreng ini enakk banget...ikannya seger.. emang dasar gw suka ikan sih...mantap abis deh ikannya
Potato Wedges.. Potato Wedgesnya ga tawar..dikasih bumbu gitu.. jadinya enak deh..beda sama potato wedges di resto buffet lain..
Beef Ball Curry
Bola-Bola daging sapi ini dimasak agak sedikit mirip rendang, hanya saja bumbunya tidak pedas.. rempah-rempahnya nampol abis..
Chicken Thailand Curry
Ayam ini the best of the best food menurut kami di cardamon.. bumbu karinya begitu enakk.. rempah abis... bumbunya juga tidak pedas..Recommended
Nasi Goreng
Nasi Goreng di Cardamon rasanya halus dan tidak terlalu nampol. ringan rasanya..
Mie Aceh
Mie Aceh juga salah satu makanan yang kami rekomendasikan.. Mie-nya rempah banget..agak pedas dan gurih asinnya juga pas... sensasi rasanya buat penasaran... pengen nambah lagi...
Khusus untuk Nasi Goreng & Mie Aceh dipesan melalui Waiter..
3. Dessert
Banana Caramel
Pisang disini manis-manis asem..cuma karena ada karamelnya yang begitu melted itu menutupi rasa asamnya.. yang bikin saya tambah suka.. Pisang Karamel disini disajikan dalam keadaan HANGAT... padahal taro di piring gitu loh di deretan dessertnya..
Es Selasih
Es nya rasanya standar..Segar manis.. isinya selasih, Rumput laut, dan nata de coco.
4. Beverages
1. Hot Tea
Hot Tea disini ga asal2an.. Pake DILMAH TEA.. terus dikasih berbagai macam pilihan gula untuk ditambahin ke tehnya... yang lucu kjita dikasih sebuah biskuit Oreo di samping cangkir tehnya..
2. Strawberry Thai Tea..
Minuman ini enak banget..di atasnya juice strawberry gitu cuma strawberrynya ga terlalu hancur... kemudian dicampur teh thailand, dan susu kental manis di bagian dasarnya..manis, asam.. TOP!!!!
Keseluruhan, makan di cardamon ini berkualitas dan enak.. tidak seperti kebanyakan restoran buffet yang mementingkan kuantitas dibanding kualitas.. mungkin ini sebabnya di cardamon memiliki jargon Eat All You Can bukan All You Can Eat kali ya..
Untuk makanan per-orang Rp. 75000++ Plus pajak 17% Jadi sekitar 87ribu-an..
Untuk Hot Tea nya Rp 13.500 + 17%
Untuk Strawberry Thai Tea nya Rp 26.000 + 17%
Disini member openrice yang udah punya open rice Card juga dapet diskon 15%..
Keseluruhan, Restoran Cardamon bakal jadi Restoran yang selalu bikin rindu setiap penikmat makanan asia..
Health benefits of eating seafood
Research over the past few decades has shown that the nutrients and minerals in seafood can make improvements in brain development and reproduction and has highlighted the role for seafood in the functionality of the human body.
Heart health
Doctors have known of strong links between fish and healthy hearts ever since they noticed that fish-eating Inuit populations in the Arctic had low levels of heart disease. One study has suggested that adding one portion of fish a week to your diet can cut your chances of suffering a heart attack by half.
Fish is thought to protect the heart because eating less saturated fat and more Omega-3 can help to lower the amount of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood – two fats that, in excess, increase the risk of heart disease. Omega-3 fats also have natural built-in anti-oxidants, which are thought to stop the thickening and damaging of artery walls.
Regularly eating fish oils is also thought to reduce the risk of arrhythmia – irregular electrical activity in the heart which increases the risk of sudden heart attacks.
Brain functionality
The human brain is 10-12% lipids, including the Omega-3 fat DHA. Recent studies suggest that older people can boost their brain power by eating more oily fish, with those who enjoy it regularly are able to remember better and think faster than those who eat none. Other research has also suggested that adding more DHA to the diet of children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder can reduce their behavioural problems and improve their reading skills, while there have also been links suggested between DHA and better concentration. Separate studies have suggested that older people who eat fish at least once a week could also have a lower chance of developing dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
Joint benefits
Including fish as a regular part of a balanced diet has been shown to help the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis – a painful condition that causes joints to swell up, reducing strength and mobility. Studies also show that sufferers feel less stiff and sore in the morning if they keep their fish oil intake topped up.
Recent research has also found a link between Omega-3 fats and a slowing down in the wearing of cartilage that leads to osteoarthritis, opening the door for more research into whether eating more fish could help prevent the disease.
Iodine, Selenium, Vitamin A, Zinc
Fish is high in minerals such as iodine and selenium, which keep the body running smoothly. Iodine is essential for the thyroid gland, which controls growth and metabolism, while selenium is used to make enzymes that protect cell walls from cancer-causing free radicals, and helps prevent DNA damage caused by radiation and some chemicals.
Fish is also an excellent source of vitamin A, which is needed for healthy skin and eyes, and vitamin D, which is needed to help the body absorb calcium to strengthen teeth and bones.
Siklus Perjalanan Makanan
Dalam era pra-modern, penjualan makanan surplus terjadi seminggu sekali saat petani mengambil barang mereka pada hari pasar, ke pasar desa setempat. Berikut makanan dijual ke grosir untuk dijual di toko-toko lokal mereka untuk membeli oleh consumers.With lokal awal industrialisasi, dan perkembangan industri pengolahan makanan, yang lebih beragam makanan bisa dijual dan didistribusikan di lokasi yang jauh. Biasanya toko-toko kelontong awal akan kontra berbasis toko, di mana pembeli kepada toko-penjaga apa yang mereka inginkan, sehingga toko-penjaga bisa untuk mereka.
Pada abad ke-20 supermarket lahir. Supermarket membawa pendekatan pelayanan diri untuk belanja menggunakan shopping cart, dan mampu menawarkan makanan dan minuman berkualitas dengan biaya yang lebih rendah melalui skala ekonomi dan mengurangi biaya staf. Di bagian akhir abad ke-20, ini telah lebih lanjut revolusi pengembangan gudang berukuran besar, di luar kota supermarket, menjual berbagai macam makanan dari seluruh dunia.
Tidak seperti pengolah makanan, ritel makanan adalah pasar dua tingkat di mana sejumlah kecil perusahaan yang sangat besar kontrol sebagian besar supermarket. supermarket raksasa mempunyai daya beli besar terhadap petani dan prosesor, dan pengaruh kuat atas konsumen. Namun demikian, kurang dari sepuluh persen pengeluaran konsumen pada makanan pergi ke petani, dengan persentase lebih besar akan iklan, transportasi, dan perusahaan menengah.
Sumber: Alih Bahasa dari
Lihat Juga: Japanese food
Selasa, 24 Agustus 2010
Dim Sum Fast food
Two women picking microwave-cooked dim sum from the freezer in Circle K, Hong Kong.
Certain kinds of instant dim sum have come onto the market in Hong Kong, Mainland China, Taiwan and Singapore. People can enjoy snacks after a 3-minute defrosting and reheating of the instant dim sum in a microwave oven.
Some stalls serve "street dim sum" which usually consists of dumplings or meatballs steamed in a large container, but served on a bamboo skewer. The customer can dip the whole skewer into a sauce bowl and eat while standing or walking.
Dim sum can be purchased from major grocery stores in most countries with a Chinese population. These dim sum can be easily cooked by steaming or microwaving. Major grocery stores in Hong Kong, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Mainland China, Malaysia, Brunei, Thailand, Australia, United States and Canada have a variety of dim sum stocked at the shelves. These include dumplings, siu maai, bau, cheong fun, lo bak go and steamed spare ribs. In Singapore, as well as other countries, dim sum can also be purchased from convenience stores, coffee shops and other eateries. There is also halal certified dim sum available, with chicken taking the place of pork which in addition to Singapore is very popular in Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei.
Kobe Beef
Kobe beef (神戸ビーフ, Kōbe Bīfu?) refers to cuts of beef from the black Tajima-ushi breed of Wagyu cattle, raised according to strict tradition in Hyōgo Prefecture, Japan. The meat is generally considered to be a delicacy, renowned for its flavour, tenderness, and fatty, well-marbled texture. Kobe beef can be prepared as steak, sukiyaki, shabu shabu, sashimi, teppanyaki and more.
Kobe beef is also called "Kobe-niku" (神戸肉?, lit. Kobe meat), "Kobe-gyū" (神戸牛?, lit Kobe cow) or "Kobe-ushi" (神戸牛?, lit Kobe cow) in Japanese.
The Wagyu cattle that produce this highly prized meat were introduced into Japan in the second century as work animals, used in rice cultivation. As beef consumption became more prominent in society, farmers began hiring workers to massage the animals' backsides to improve meat quality. The mountainous topography of the islands of Japan resulted in small regions of isolated breeding, yielding herds that developed and maintained qualities in their meat that differ significantly from all other breeds of cattle. Herd isolation and distinctive feeding techniques which resulted from the limited land availability have led to distinguishing features that make the meat both superior in marbling and in the ratios of unsaturated versus saturated fats.
Ramen Outside Japan
Ramen has become popular in China in recent years where it is known as rìshì lāmiàn (日式拉面, "Japanese Style lamian"). Popular Japanese ramen chains serve ramen alongside distinctly Japanese dishes such as tempura and yakitori, something which would be seen as odd in Japan.
Wagamama, a successful pan-Asian chain with establishments mainly in European cities, is known for its noodle soups marketed as ramen (but which are quite different from ramen in Japan).
Ramyeon (라면) is the Korean version of ramen. Ramyeon in Korea is a popular instant meal. Korean ramyeon is known to be hot and spicy, as its soup is usually flavored with chili peppers. There are many varieties of Korean ramyeon, such as kimchi-flavored, seafood-flavored and beef-flavored. Some restaurants serve variations of ramyon with different flavors.It is usually served with vegetables, such as carrots and green onions, and eggs on top.
In Central Asia the dish has thicker noodles, is significantly spicier, and is known as laghman.
True ice cream
Ice cream recipes first appear in 18th century England and America. A recipe for ice cream was published in Mrs. Mary Eales's Receipts in London 1718.
To ice CREAM. Take Tin Ice-Pots, fill them with any Sort of Cream you like, either plain or sweeten'd, or Fruit in it; shut your Pots very close; to six Pots you must allow eighteen or twenty Pound of Ice, breaking the Ice very small; there will be some great Pieces, which lay at the Bottom and Top: You must have a Pail, and lay some Straw at the Bottom; then lay in your Ice, and put in amongst it a Pound of Bay-Salt; set in your Pots of Cream, and lay Ice and Salt between every Pot, that they may not touch; but the Ice must lie round them on every Side; lay a good deal of Ice on the Top, cover the Pail with Straw, set it in a Cellar where no Sun or Light comes, it will be froze in four Hours, but it may stand longer; than take it out just as you use it; hold it in your Hand and it will slip out. When you wou'd freeze any Sort of Fruit, either Cherries, Rasberries, Currants, or Strawberries, fill your Tin-Pots with the Fruit, but as hollow as you can; put to them Lemmonade, made with Spring-Water and Lemmon-Juice sweeten'd; put enough in the Pots to make the Fruit hang together, and put them in Ice as you do Cream.
The earliest reference to ice cream given by the Oxford English Dictionary is from 1744, reprinted in a magazine in 1877. 1744 in Pennsylvania Mag. Hist. & Biogr. (1877) I. 126 Among the rarities..was some fine ice cream, which, with the strawberries and milk, eat most deliciously.
The 1751 edition of The Art of Cookery made Plain and Easy by Hannah Glasse features a recipe for ice cream. OED gives her recipe: H. GLASSE Art of Cookery (ed. 4) 333 (heading) To make Ice Cream..set it [sc. the cream] into the larger Bason. Fill it with Ice, and a Handful of Salt.
1768 saw the publication of L'Art de Bien Faire les Glaces d'Office by M. Emy, a cookbook devoted entirely to recipes for flavoured ices and ice cream.
Ice cream was introduced to the United States by Quaker colonists who brought their ice cream recipes with them. Confectioners sold ice cream at their shops in New York and other cities during the colonial era. Ben Franklin, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson were known to have regularly eaten and served ice cream. First Lady Dolley Madison is also closely associated with the early history of ice cream in the United States. One respected history of ice cream states that, as the wife of U.S. President James Madison, she served ice cream at her husband's Inaugural Ball in 1813.
Around 1832, Augustus Jackson, an African American confectioner, not only created multiple ice cream recipes, but he also invented a superior technique to manufacture ice cream.
In 1843, Nancy Johnson of Philadelphia was issued the first U.S. patent for a small-scale handcranked ice cream freezer. The invention of the ice cream soda gave Americans a new treat, adding to ice cream's popularity. This cold treat was probably invented by Robert Green in 1874, although there is no conclusive evidence to prove his claim.
Ice cream sundaes with fruit, nuts, and a wafer
The ice cream sundae originated in the late 19th century. Several men claimed to have created the first sundae, but there is no conclusive evidence to back up any of their stories. Some sources say that the sundae was invented to circumvent blue laws, which forbade serving sodas on Sunday. Towns claiming to be the birthplace of the sundae include Buffalo, New York; Two Rivers, Wisconsin; Ithaca, New York; and Evanston, Illinois. Both the ice cream cone and banana split became popular in the early 20th century. Several food vendors claimed to have invented the ice cream cone at the 1904 World's Fair in St. Louis, MO. However, Europeans were eating cones long before 1904.
In the UK, ice cream remained an expensive and rare treat, until large quantities of ice began to be imported from Norway and the US in the mid Victorian era. A Swiss-Italian businessman, Carlo Gatti, opened the first ice cream stall outside Charing Cross station in 1851, selling scoops of ice cream in shells for one penny.
Penyakit Akibat Makanan
Analisis Hazard dan Control Points Kritis (HACCP) Flowchart
Keracunan makanan telah diakui sebagai penyakit manusia sejak sedini Hippocrates Penjualan tengik, terkontaminasi atau. Dicampur makanan biasa sampai pengenalan kebersihan, pendinginan, dan kontrol kutu pada abad ke-19. Penemuan teknik untuk membunuh bakteri menggunakan panas dan studi mikrobiologi lainnya oleh para ilmuwan seperti Louis Pasteur memberikan kontribusi terhadap standar sanitasi modern yang di mana-mana di negara-negara berkembang hari ini. Ini kemudian didukung oleh karya Justus von Liebig, yang menyebabkan perkembangan penyimpanan makanan modern dan metode pengawetan makanan Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir lebih, pemahaman yang lebih besar dari penyebab penyakit karena makanan telah menyebabkan pembangunan. pendekatan yang lebih sistematis seperti Analisis Bahaya dan Critical Control Point (HACCP), yang dapat mengidentifikasi dan menghilangkan banyak risiko.
langkah-langkah yang disarankan untuk memastikan keamanan pangan termasuk mempertahankan daerah persiapan bersih dengan makanan dari berbagai jenis tetap terpisah, memastikan suhu memasak yang memadai, dan pendingin makanan segera setelah memasak.
Makanan dan minuman yang mudah merusak, seperti daging, susu dan makanan laut, harus siap dengan cara tertentu agar tidak mencemari orang-orang yang mereka siap. Dengan demikian, aturan umum praktis adalah bahwa makanan yang dingin (seperti produk susu) harus disimpan makanan dingin dan panas (seperti sup) harus terus panas sampai penyimpanan. Dingin daging, seperti ayam, yang akan dimasak tidak harus ditempatkan pada suhu ruang untuk pencairan, dengan risiko pertumbuhan bakteri berbahaya, seperti salmonella atau E. coli.
Sumber: Alih bahasa dari
Lihat Juga : Japanese food
Senin, 23 Agustus 2010
Menyantap masakan Internasional di Lombok
Sebuah resto dan cafe yang memiliki outdoor setting. Di mana kursi-kursi dan meja-meja makan diletakkan di bibir pantai, seperti di Jimbaran Bay, Bali. Dilengkapi lilin yang berpendar lembut. Kami menikmati fruit punch sembari memandang langit jingga pelan-pelan berganti warna menjadi biru pekat dan gelap.
Resto ini memiliki sajian eccletic serta beberapa menu nasional dan menitikberatkan sajian pada pizza yang dimasak pakai oven berbahan bakar kayu. Pilihan kami jatuh pada paket bebek goreng dengan nasi.
Di kesempatan dinner lainnya, kami bertandang ke Lotus Restaurant. Sebuah tempat makan yang membuat kami selalu ingin datang kembali, setiap kali berkunjung ke Lombok. Dengan setting menghadap bibir pantai, interior resto ini senada dengan chain Lotus Restaurant yang ada di Ubud. Baik di kawasan Monkey Forest maupun Jalan Raya, yang berlokasi dekat Pura Saraswati.
Meja ditutup dengan ubin keramik bergambar teratai dan daunnya serta seekor kodok. Sementara wadah lilin dan vas bunganya melukiskan kelopak-kelopak teratai. Resto ini juga memiliki chain di Singapura.
Sebagai appetizer, favorit kami adalah cheese samosa. Bentuknya tak beda dengan samosa berbentuk segitiga. Tapi isinya keju yang langsung lumer di lidah begitu digigit. Hidangan ini disajikan dengan saos chutney plum. Terbuat dari buah plum segar dicincang, yang dimasak dengan cabe merah dan gula hingga menghasilkan saos bertekstur kasar.
Beranjak ke main course, kami memilih sirloin steak dengan saos mushroom. Kadang-kadang juga black pepper sirloin steak atau chicken cordon bleu. Bila tengah merindukan citarasa makanan lokal, opsi kami Ayam Betutu, Grilled Fish a'la Jimbaran atau Nasi Campur Bali.
Berangkat dari chain Lotus Restaurant yang bermarkas di Pulau Dewata, tak heran kalau sajian Nasional mereka juga khas Bali. Ayam Betutu sajian Lotus Restaurant Senggigi sudah mengalami modifikasi sedemikian rupa, hingga pedasnya tak begitu menyengat.
Cara penyajiannya, ayam ditempatkan dalam sebuah bowl bersama nasi putih dan lawar sayuran.
Sementara Grilled Fish a'la Jimbaran, tak lain seekor ikan kakap merah utuh yang dibakar sambil dibubuhi cabe giling, bawang putih, sedikit kecap manis dan mentega serta dikucuri jeruk nipis sebelum dihidangkan dalam piring datar model daun teratai. Padanannya nasi putih tabur bawang goreng, lawar sayuran serta sambal bajak.
Sedangkan Nasi Campur Bali nya tak banyak berbeda dengan nasi campur Bali pada umumnya. Berupa hidangan sepinggan [one dish meal] berisi nasi putih dilengkapi lawar sayuran, goreng tahu-tempe, kerupuk, sambal, kakap dimasak santan serta sate ayam -khusus ayam ini, juga modifikasi. Umumnya, satenya berupa Sate Pusut [sate ikan] dan masih ada tambahan item berupa sayatan-sayatan daging babi.
Hidangan serba sedap ini kami tutup dengan dessert Apfelstrudel. Apel bercitarasa asam yang ditumis bersama bubuk kayumanis, gula pasir dan kismis, lalu dibalut dengan adonan pastry serta dipanggang. Penyajiannya ditaburi bubuk gula halus, ditambah satu scoop es krim vanilla.
Sumber: Wikipedia
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Japanese food
Kamis, 19 Agustus 2010
Beef Cut for Steak
- Chateaubriand steak
- Usually served for two, center cut from the large end of the tenderloin. Sometimes it's extra thick top sirloin.
- Chuck steak
- A cut from neck to the ribs.
- Cube steak
- A cut of meat, usually top round, tenderized by fierce pounding with a mallet or mechanical blades.
- Filet Mignon
- A cut from the small end of the tenderloin; the most tender and usually the most expensive cut by weight.
- Flap steak
- A cut from the bottom sirloin.
- Flank steak
- From the underside. Not as tender as steaks cut from the rib or loin.
- Flat iron steak
- A cut from under the shoulder blade.
- Hanger steak or (French) onglet
- a steak from near the center of the diaphragm. Flavorful, and very tender towards the edges, but sinewy in the middle. Often called the butcher's tenderloin or hanging tender.
- Popeseye steak
- thinly sliced rump steak, originating in Scotland and available in the UK.
- Source:
- See Also: pasta, marzano
An Easy Way to Buy Sustainable Seafood
After I spoke with Casson Trenor a couple of weeks ago, we both became aware of Martin Reed, who has just started a business called I Love Blue Sea. Mr. Reed is a retailer who’s doing the work for you, buying and selling seafood he has verified as sustainable.
There’s a lot of appeal in this business, which is only a few weeks old, and Web-based (the physical location is in San Francisco). Mr. Reed’s goal, other than to make a living, is “to be a pioneer in selling only sustainable seafood, and in being upfront about where things come from and how they’re caught.”
Sounds good. But I had two questions. One: How do you know what you’re buying? His answer: “We use all third party standards, like those of Greenpeace (nothing from the “red list”) and the Monterey Bay Aquarium (no “avoid” fish) ” If he knows that “pirating” (as illegal fishing is called) is big with a certain species, he won’t sell it at all. (Thus, no yellowfin.) And he is insisting that suppliers sell him only fish that can be traced — individually — through bills of lading and bar codes.
The second question concerns cost. The seafood on Mr. Reed’s site is quite fairly priced when you consider that it’s the kind of seafood we want to be buying. The selection is good, too – not as broad as in many big seafood markets, but then again, you’re not worrying about the source. There is occasionally some farm-raised fish where the wild resource is sustainable, and to me this doesn’t make sense, but remember he’s buying West Coast fish and I’m an East Coast person, so our experiences are different.
But the shipping necessarily includes frozen gel-packs and insulated boxes, which add considerably to weight and volume — thus making overnight Fedex charges high: fifty bucks, in the case of my sample order, which was for fish that cost about the same amount.
This is obviously not Mr. Reed’s fault, but it is his problem. He acknowledges this, but says that “After you get to five or ten pounds of product your order will be less expensive than if you bought a similar product at a supermarket.” I don’t know about that, but what is for sure is that, as he says, “There aren’t similar offerings in most parts of the country.”
Mr. Reed says, “We want to change the way the seafood industry works,” and I believe this is our only hope. If you think about what the word “sustainable” means, and you accept the notion that for the most part, the current state of the seafood industry is anything but, it is accountability on the part of purchasers that can move the industry in the right direction. And by taking on a bigger share of the responsibility, retailers like Mr. Reed make it easier for consumers to do the right thing.
Part of Tuna for Sushi
Here’s something that many may not know about Maguro(Tuna) or may not know what parts of the maguro we use here in Japan. I have seen some shows on TV when I was in the US and other countries, alot saw that they throw away good parts of the maguro. Here in Japan we usually don’t waste the whole fish, we use every part of the tuna for different sushi and dishes.
I will explain the parts of the tuna, where they are located, and what type of dish it is used for. I hope that the photo above is clear for you to understand what I’m about to explain. I will explain from the top and go clock wise in order.
Senaka: Is the center back part of the tuna, this part is mainly used for Sashimi and Chutoro Sushi. You can find this in any Sushi Restaurant and in fish markets that sell parts. This one of my favorite part to eat, cause it has a Medium level Fatty and usually not so expensive in sushi restaurants. *You may have to request this in Sushi Restaurants.
Seshimo: Is the lower back part of the tuna, this part is mainly used for Sashimi and Chutoro Sushi. You can find this in any Sushi Restaurant and in fish markets that sells parts. *You may have to request this in Sushi Restaurants.
Akami: Is the middle part of the tuna, this is the leaner part of the tuna. You can find this any where in Supermarkets, Sushi Restaurants, and markets. This is used in most sushi rolls, sashimi dishes, and sushi sets trays. My kids love this part of the tuna, cause it doesn’t have to much fatty and oil.
O Te-ru: Is the tail part of the tuna. I’m not sure if you can find this in your country, It would have to be a Japanese Restaurant that server fish as their main course specialty. In Japan we use this part to make Steaks on the grill or at BarBQs and also have deep fried dish for this.
Harashimo: Is the lower stomach part of the tuna, this part is also used for Sashimi, Otoro, and Chutoro. You may find this in Sushi Restaurants, but you may have to ask for it when ordering. This part is also very good, but it could be a little expensive. Due to it is very fatty and oily, the more fatty and oily the part of the tuna the more expensive it gets.
Haranaka: Is the center stomach part of the tuna, this part is used for both Sashimi and Chutoro. You may find this in Sushi Restaurants, but you may have to ask for it when ordering. This part of the tuna is very good.
Harakami: Is the upper stomach part of the tuna, this part is also used for Sashimi and Otoro. You may find this in Sushi Restaurants, but you may have to ask for it when ordering. This part is also very good, but it could be a little expensive. Due to it is very fatty and oily, the more fatty and oily the part of the tuna the more expensive it gets.
Kama Toru: Is one part of the neck side of the tuna, this part of the tuna is used in Sushi, and in Donburi. You may find this in Fish Restaurants that specialty in fish menus. I haven’t tried this part of the tuna, but I have got a lot feed back that it’s very delicious.
Kama: Is one part of the neck side of the tuna, this part of the tuna is used in Sushi, and in Donburi. You may find this in Fish Restaurants that specialty in fish menus. I haven’t tried this part of the tuna, but I have got a lot feed back that it’s very delicious.
Noten: Is the upper head part of the tuna, this part of the is used in Soups, Donburi, and Grilled. You may also find this in Fish Restaurants that specialty in fish menus. I haven’t this part of the tuna also, I’m still waiting on my friends feedback on this.
Hohoniku: Is the cheek part of the tuna, this part is mostly used for Nabe Meals(Hot pots). I haven’t tried this yet cause its very hard to find this part of the fish in the supermarkets. This maybe hard to find in your area. I have tried this as a Nabe dish and it’s very delicious.
Sekami: Is the upper back part of the tuna, this part is used for Sashimi and Chutoro. This part of the tuna you can find in most Sushi Restaurants. You may have to ask for it when ordering. This part of the tuna is very tasty and it has about medium fatty and oil on it.
makanan khas ngawi
Bila anda ada waktu, di sebelah selatan Puskesmas Bringin, Kecamatan Bringin ada ayam panggang Ndeso, di warung Pring Kuning. Ayam panggang memiliki aroma yang khas, dihidangkan dengan lalapan dan sambel korek yang mantab padasnya. Sambal korek adalah sambal dengan bahan dasar cabe, bawang putih dan sedikit bumbu rahasia. Di malam hari, bila anda menginap di Ngawi, jalan-jalanlah kearah alun-alun Ngawi, berbagai hidangan khas kaki lima tersaji disana. Saat ini di Ngawi juga memiliki berbagai franchise penjual makanann, diantaranya : bakso kepala sapi, bakso kutho cak to Malang, bebek goreng H. Slamet Kartasura, soto Lamongan Cak Hasan dan beberapa steak dan resto di jalan Ronggowarsito Satu lagi makanan yang menjadi favorit di Ngawi adalah Tempe Kripik. Biasa banyak ditemukan di warung makan, restauran, warung rokok dll. Kripik Tempe Mbah Wo yang bertempat di jl raya Ngawi-Caruban bersebelahan dengan lokasi pasar hewan (pasar legi), rasanya khas renyah gurih sedap dan bentuk kripiknya tipis. Dari segi harga relatif sangat terjangkau sekali, satu plastik isi 10 kripik ukuran P: 9 cm L: 5 cm per bungkus harga Rp. 1.500,-
Sumber: wikipedia
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japanese food
Rabu, 18 Agustus 2010
Japanese Resto
Wuihhh dah lama ne memainkan jari di atas keyboard untuk OpenRice..
Okeyy.. kali ini gw mo critain pengalaman gw ttg resto jepang di daerah wijaya..
Gw baru tau klo disini ada resto jepang, dr luar aja tuh designya dah Jepang bgt..
Pas masuk ke dalem.. Beuuuuhhhh...serasa masuk rumah Nobita..
Live TV nya aja nyiarin OlahRaga Bela diri khas Jepang..yaitu Sumo..
Tapi asli emg gw baru sekali ini masuk ke resto Jepang berasa banget kyk di Jepang..
Dan emg disini Chef nya asli dari Jepang..
Oke gw ga crita banyak..Lets talk bout food..
Gw mesen yg ringan2 aja..karena sebelumnya udh makan banyak di tempat lain..
Torigen Gyoza (IDR 32.000++)
Gw pernah denger ini appetizer khas Cina tetapi sangat Populer di Jepang. Bentuk nya seperti dim sum tapi di goreng. Dalemnya sayuran dicampur dengan ayam, setau gw goyza itu bahan2 adonan nya tuh Jepang bgt, ada campuran Nira & Sake di dalamnya, jangan heran klo harga nya mahal tapi isinya cuma 5 biji.
Sayurannya gw ga tau de, kyknya sih daun bawang di campur ayam. Nah ini ada saosnya juga, setau gw saos nya campuran dari Soya Saos + Vinegar.
Untuk rasa nya...mantaf gan, rasa ayam yg di combine sayurannya trus di celupin sma saos nya..beehhh ga bisa di ungkapkan dgn kata2..soalnya agak susah ngomong klo pas lagi ngunyah plg smbil goyang2 jempol tangan aja..
Chicken Tempura (Lupa harganya)
Nah ini bahan2 g perlu di ceritain, karena cukup familiar sm org indo, tapi rasanya gw ga yakin lo pernah ngerasain tempura asli buatan Chef Jepang..recommend untuk di coba
Memang harga2 makanan disini terbilang tergolong mahal, tapi kalo lo pgn resain suasana negeri Sakura itu, ini salah satu Recommended Restaurant dari gw..
Selamat ketemu doraemon
Coffee Club
Bila anda pencinta kopi dan ingin meminum berbagai jenis kopi dari Indonesia dan International, singgahlah di Coffee Club Pacific Place.
Letak dari cafe ini agak terpencil memang, karena berada di sudut lantai satu Pacific Place. HANYA SAJA, bagi anda yang alergi dengan asap rokok.. sebaiknya jangan ke sini. Memang, mereka menyediakan ruangan bagi perokok, dan non perokok. Tetapi begitu kita masuk ke dalam cafe ini, asap rokok sangatlah terasa.
Karena sudah agak lama "mampir" ke Coffee Club, jadi saya lupa nama minuman yang kita pesan. Setahu aku, aku memesan "aged Sunmatera Mandheling" dan temanku memesan minuman yang ada "pisang"nya dan lemon tea... Jadinya aku akan mereview kopi dan ruangan di Coffee Club ini saja.
Untuk Kopi, di sini menyediakan berbagai macam kopi dari dalam dan luar negeri. ada dari Jawa, Sumatera, Kenya, dan lain-lain. Pada menu-nya, mereka melampirkan ukuran2 dari BODY, ACIDITY dan AROMA-nya daskala satu sampai enam bintang. Mereka menggunakan biji kopi ARABIKA, jadinya bisa dibilang "kualitas" kopi yang tinggi.
Karena menjelaskan kopi Arabika, tidak ada salahnya saya menjelaskan lawan dari Arabika, yakni ROBUSTA. Sebenarnya perbedaan jelas dari robusta dan arabika adalah dari 'harga"nya. Robusta memiliki harga yang lebih rendah (murah). keunggulan Robusta adalah mereka dapat tumbuh di berbagai kondisi lingkungan dibandingkan dengan Arabika. Kemudian waktu yang lebih singkat untuk menghasilkan biji kopi (sekitar 2-3 tahun) dibandingkan dengan tumbuhan kopi Arabika (3-4 tahun). Hanya saja, kadar kafein di Robusta lebih tinggi dari Arabika. Tetapi tidak jarang campuran kopi Arabika dan Robusta itu menghasilkan kopi yang wangi dan lezat.
OH iya, Karena wangi dan rasa kopi tergantung dengan lingkungan dan cuaca, maka kita bisa menebak "pohon" apa yang tumbuh di sekitarnya. ada yang kebuah-buahan, kekayu-kayuan dan sebagainya.
Coffee Club, menyediakan berbagai macam kopi Arabika dari dalam dan luar negeri. Ada yang harganya "WOW" dan ada juga yang standart. Tapi karena mereka menggunakan arabika, jadinya tidak salah jika kopi hitam yang di jual berada di atas 20.000 IDR.
Seingatku yang menarik perhatianku adalah adanya Aged Sumatera Mandheling. Karena ini adalah cafe ke dua aku menemukan kopi "lama" atau kuno. (pertama di Malang dengan nama cafe "JAVA DANCE COFFEE") Jadinya, aku segera memesan itu. Sayangnya, mereka juga menggunakan expresso machine untuk mengolah kopi-nya. jadi wangi dan kekentalannya menurun. Tetapi uniknya mereka memberikan kue kering di samping cangkirnya menemani kopi pahitnya.
Ruangan di Coffee Club sangatlah romantis. Aku katakan romantis karena pencahayaannya yang remang-remang, dan dekorasinya yang cantik membuat suasana "cafe" ini menjadi indah. Mereka memasang lagu-lagu yang easy listening juga dengan volume yang cukup. Tidak terlalu besar yang bisa mengganggu nikmatnya bercanda gurau dengan teman-teman.
OH...Coffee Club juga menyediakan berbagai macam makanan baik ringan sampai berat. Yang sempat terlihat dan tergoda adalah ketika melihat pancake-nya. Sayangnya kami sudah keburu kenyang karena sebelumnya makan di RAMEN 38. jadi kami hanya nongkrong di sana untuk menunggu macet dan mengobrol.
Overall, bagi anda pecinta koppi, tidak ada salahnya mencoba Coffee Club. Karena cukup romantis dan tenang, baik untuk berdua dengan kekasih, beramai-ramai dengan teman, maupun sendirian sambil menikmati buku kesukaan.
(Foto kali ini aku gabung, dikarenakan resolusi yang rendah... maklum menggunakan kamera dari handphone... )
Dondurma (Turkish, literally "freezing") is the name given to ice cream in Turkey. Dondurma typically includes the ingredients milk, sugar, salep, and mastic, and may originate from the Turkish region of Kahramanmaraş.
Two qualities distinguish Turkish ice cream: texture and resistance to melting. Inclusion of the thickening agents salep, a flour made from the root of the Early Purple Orchid, and mastic, a resin, impart chewiness.
The Kahramanmaraş region is known for maraş dondurması, a variety which contains distinctly more salep than usual; tough and sticky, it is sometimes eaten with a knife and fork.
Consumption and culture
Dondurma is commonly sold from both street vendor's carts and store fronts where the mixture is churned regularly with long-handled paddles to keep it workable.
As of 2010, the average rate of consumption in Turkey was 2.8 liters of ice cream per person per year (compare to the USA at 18.3 liters per person in 2007, and world consumption leader New Zealand at 22-23 liters in 2006).
Some Turks adhere to a belief that cold foods, such as ice cream, will cause illnesses - such as sore throats and the common cold; it is held that consumption of warm liquid while consuming ice cream will counteract these effects.
The popularity of salepi dondurma has caused a decline of wild orchids in the region and led to a ban on exports of salep. Some translate salepi dondurma as "fox testicle ice cream"; however, the Turkish name comes directly from the Arabic name, saḥlab ('orchid'), the two-lobed root of which resembles testicles.
See also: sate, seafood
Kota Kupang yang menyimpan kekayaan kuliner
Lihat Juga:
Japanese Food
Selasa, 17 Agustus 2010
wisata kuliner di Pasar Semawis Semarang
Pasar Semawis bermula dengan diadakannya Pasar Imlek Semawis di tahun 2004, menyusul diresmikannya Tahun Baru Imlek sebagai Hari Libur Nasional di Indonesia.
Buka setiap hari Jumat, Sabtu dan Minggu malam disepanjang jalan Gang Warung, Pecinan - Semarang, Pasar Semawis menyajikan beraneka ragam hidangan yang bisa anda pilih bersama keluarga mulai dari pisang plenet khas Semarang, nasi ayam, es puter, kue serabi, aneka sate, bubur kacang hingga menu - menu steamboat yang menarik untuk dicicipi. Pusat jajanan terpanjang di Semarang ini buka mulai jam 6 sore hingga tengah malam.
Suasana Pasar Semawis circa tahun 2005
Pasar Semawis terletak di jalan Gang Warung, untuk menuju kesana, ada beberapa jalan yang bisa dipilih. Dari jalan Gajahmada, dapat masuk lewat jalan Wotgandul Barat > Plampitan > Kranggan > parkir di jalan Beteng. Dari jalan Gajah Mada juga dapat masuk langsung ke jalan Kranggan lewat perempatan Depok. Jalur lain adalah lewat Pasar Johar atau Jurnatan, masuk lewat jalan Pekojan > parkir di jalan Gang Pinggir. Setiap akhir minggu malam saat Waroeng Semawis digelar, beberapa jalan di Pecinan ditutup salah satu ujungnya, yaitu jalan Gang Besen, Gang Tengah, Gambiran, Gang Belakang dan Gang Baru. Jalan - jalan tersebut dapat digunakan untuk parkir kendaraan pengunjung
Sumber: wikipedia
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japanese food
Minggu, 15 Agustus 2010
Lontong untuk berbuka puasa
Karena dikukus dalam daun pisang, lontong dapat berwarna hijau di luarnya, sedangkan berwarna putih di dalamnya. Lontong banyak ditemui di pelbagai daerah di Indonesia sebagai pengganti nasi putih. Walau juga dibuat dari beras, lontong memiliki aroma yang khas. Yang pasti lontong dan ketupat adalah makanan masakan khas asli dan original buatan Indonesia. Keasliannya tak ubahnya dengan Warok. Kalaupun ada lontong dan ketupat di negara lainnya seperti Malaysia, Brunei, dan Singapura. Itu tidak lain adalah budaya serapan yang dibawa oleh perantau Indonesia ke negeri tersebut sejak dulu kala.
Sumber: Wikipedia
Pada bulan Puasa ini Lontong banyak ditemui dijajakan untuk sajian berbuka puasa, mungkin karena texturnya yang lembut pas untuk mengganjal perut pas berbuka dan sebelum melaksanakan sholat.
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japanese food
Rabu, 11 Agustus 2010
Di kecamatan terdapat pusat aneka jajanan maupun makanan khas dari Kota Kediri , yaitu gethuk pisang, tahu,( kita bisa memilih tahu kuning atau tahu putih ), stick tahu yang semuanya berada di jalan Pattimura. Aneka makanan yang diolah dari 02 atau bekicot, seperti sate 02, keripik 02, Kreco, dapat di temui di daerah sekitar jalan Panglima Sudirman. Masih ada lagi makanan khas kota kediri, yaitu pecel kediri dan sambal tumpang kediri , serta nasi campur yang merupakan perpaduan antara sambal pecel dan sambal tumpang, makanan khas ini dapat anda jumpai di sepanjang jalan Dhoho saat malam menjelang, di jalan Dhoho juga terdapat banyak toko pakaian, aneka kerajinan dan swalayan - swalayan, jalan Dhoho ini ibarat jalan Malioboro di Yogyakarta, tapi versi Kota Kediri. Kesemua tempat itu berada pada satu jalur jalan yang saling berdekatan, dan tentunya berada di pusat kota. Juga masih terdapat Soto Kediri yang pedagangnya tersebar di penjuru kota Kediri.
Selai wisata kuliner, Kecamatan Kota Kediri masih memiliki tempat wisata religi dan sejarah, yaitu Masjid Setonogedong yang merupakan peninggalan dari Kerajaan Majapahit, ini terbukti dari adanya relief pada tembok masjid. Tempat lain, yaitu komplek makan di Setonogedong yang banyak dikunjungi wisatawan untuk berziarah, makam Sunan Geseng di timur alun - alun Kota Kediri.
Sumber: Wikipedia
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Japanese food
Tips Bulan Ramadhan
Telah tiba bulan Ramadhan, perubahan pola makan selama bulan ini memerlukan penyesuaian yang tidak mudah diterima oleh semua orang. Dr. Farouk Haffejee dari Afrika Selatan, memberikan rekomendasi untuk mengatasi beberapa masalah kesehatan selama bulan Ramadhan. Dr. Haffejee menyarankan beberapa hal agar tetap sehat selagi berpuasa. Ikuti tips sehat berikut:
1. jenis makanan yang digoreng dan berlemak,
2. makanan yang mengandung banyak gula,
3. makan terlalu banyak saat sahur,
4. terlalu banyak minum the saat sahur, the mengeluarkan urine bersamaan dengan mineral garam yang dibutuhkan tubuh sepanjang hari,
5. merokok
1. makanan mengandung karbohidrat pada saat sahur sehingga rasa lapar dapat dihindari,
2. kurma adalah sumber yang tepat yang mengandung gula, fiber, karbohidrat, potassium dan magnesium,
3. kacang almond kaya protein dan fiber yang rendah lemak,
4. pisang mengandung potassium, magnesium dan karbohidrat.
Minumlah sebanyak mungkin air putih atau jus buah antara waktu setelah berbuka dan sebelum tidur agar tubuh maksimal menyerap cairan.
Bila ingin berbuka puasa di luar rumah, carilah restoran yang tepat demi kesehatan anda, perhatikan kebersihannya.
See also: Tamani
Alih bahasa oleh: Ratih
Selasa, 10 Agustus 2010
Nikmatnya Ramadhan
Perintah puasa difirmankan Alloh swt pada Al-Quran surat Al-Baqarah ayat 183
"Yaa ayyuhaladziina aamanuu kutiba alaikumus siyaamu kamaa kutiba 'alalladziina min qablikum la allakum tataquun"
“ Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, telah diwajibkan ke atas kamu berpuasa sebagaimana telah diwajibkan ke atas umat-umat yang sebelum kamu, semoga kamu menjadi orang-orang yang bertaqwa."
Puasa adalah menahan. secaara artian adalah menahan keinginan hawa nafsu(atau jasad/diri).namun justru malah menjalankan keinginan keinginan Allah lah yang terkandung di dalam AlQuran. sehingga lebih optimal lagi dalam menjalankan ibadah yang Allah inginkan.
perintah puasa lebih menekankan kedalam aktifitas sendi kehidupan. dimana mampunya kita untuk menahan hawa nafsu kita (bahkan hingga makan dan minum pun kita tahan) kemudian menjalankan keinginan Allah sepenuhnya. sehingga meraih Taqwa
perintah pusa jatuh pada madinah. dimana dikondisi ummat islam saat itu baru saja hijrah dari mekkah setelah di tekan dari berbagai sisi kehidupan.. namun di sinilah terlihat sifat kesabaran(tidak lemah, tidak lesu, pantang mundur) dari semangat ummat islam untuk bangkit menyebarkan ayat-ayat seluruh wilayah
Adapun Syarat dimana Orang itu wajib Berpuasa adalah:
1. Beragama Islam
2. Berakal sehat
3. Baligh (sudah cukup umur)
4. Mampu melaksanakannya
5. Orang yang sedang berada di tempat (tidak sedang safar)
dan ketika saatnya berbuka tidaklah penting dimana dia berbuka dengan apapun yang penting adalah berbukalah dengan yang yang manis karena itu yang dianjurkan.
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Nasi uduk literally means mixed rice in Indonesian. The name describes the dish preparation itself which requires more ingredients than common rice cooking and also varieties additional side dishes.
Nasi uduk is made by cooking rice soaked in coconut milk instead of water, clove, cassia bark, and lemongrass.
Nasi uduk is commonly served with emping (melinjo chips), empal, fried chicken, and fried onion sprinkled on the top of the rice. Additional side dishes might be added according to one's taste. Chili sauce is also common in nasi uduk preparation.
Nasi uduk is a popular dish for the busy commuters in Jakarta, mainly because it's both affordable (one serving costs on average Rp5000,- or about $0.50). It can be found throughout the day, some roadside stalls open exclusively in the morning, noon, or night, depending on the demographic of the surrounding areas. Stalls located near schools usually open at noon, while the ones near offices usually opens at night.
Senin, 09 Agustus 2010
Pansit filipina
Pansit malabon dengan berbagai makanan laut adalah makanan khas kota pelabuhan Malabon. Mi dimasak bersama udang, tiram, cumi-cumi, dan daging babi. Bumbu yang dipakai adalah patis, merica, bawang putih, dan jeruk kesturi.
Seperti halnya pada kebudayaan Cina, mi dipercaya orang Filipina sebagai lambang umur panjang. Oleh karena itu, mi hampir selalu dimakan untuk merayakan ulang tahun.
Rumah makan yang menyediakan pansit disebut panciterias, dan umumnya berarti rumah makan Cina. Mi berkuah disebut pansit mami atau pansit lomi. Masakan yang dikenal di Indonesia sebagai pangsit kuah disebut pansit molo, dan merupakan makanan khas dari Molo, Iloilo City.
Sumber: wikipedia
Lihat Juga : Restaurant, Restoran, Cafe
Sidewalk cafe
A sidewalk cafe (sometimes called a pavement cafe, or patio) is an outdoor part of a coffeehouse or cafe. This is an area where customers go to relax, dine, and socialize. Other activities at a sidewalk cafe might include studying, reading, or using, if it is available, the cafe's internet access.
Sidewalk cafe ambiance
Many people who frequent sidewalk cafes, do so for the comfortable and quaint atmosphere. Typically in a sidewalk cafe there are tables and chairs [and sometimes benches] for dining and relaxing. Sometimes they are permanently outside, however they are often taken inside on closing time, or earlier if it gets colder. Usually there are parasols depending on the style and decor of any particular sidewalk cafe and there may be a low fence around it for protection against wind and/or for the purpose of decoration.
Fast food restaurants such as McDonald's also often have an outdoor dining area, thus making them sidewalk cafes.
Popular sidewalk cafe activities
Cafes where food is the main attraction usually are for dining, entertainment, and meetings, both business and casual. A cafe where coffee is the main attraction is usually for socializing, internet, reading, studying, entertainment, and dining. There are several types of cafes and venues as well as types of people that frequent these places for different activities.
Depending on the country and on permits alcohol may or may not be served. In some places local laws allow drinking alcohol in a sidewalk cafe but not on a public bench etc.
A sidewalk cafe's surrounding area
Typically a cafe or restaurant needs a permit from the municipality to have an outdoor part. This will not be granted if due to lack of space there is too much inconvenience for passers-by. The municipality may restrict the opening hours for the outdoor part.
See also: restoran, tamani
Minggu, 08 Agustus 2010
Kue Khamir khas Pemalang
Kue ini berbentuk bundar, pipih berwarna coklat dan hampir menyerupai kue apem atau serabi tetapi sedikit lebih besar dan bantet. Sedangkan ukurannya bervariasi, yang terbesar sampai sebesar lingkaran piring makan. Sedangkan terkecil sebesar lingkaran mangkok. Ukuran-ukuran itu tergantung pemesannya. Bahkan pernah akan dibuat ukuran raksasa tapi gagal karena tidak matang secara merata.
Menurut cerita, orang pertama yang membuat kue kamir adalah seorang warga Arab yang tinggal di Kelurahan Mulyoharjo, yang dikenal juga dengan sebutan Kampung Arab. Nama kamir itu sendiri tidak jelas berasal dari nama apa. Apakah berasal dari kata khamer (bahasa Arab) yang berarti memabukan atau dari nama orang keturunan Arab itu sendiri.
Tetapi yang mendekati kemungkinan adalah nama Kamir berasal dari kata Khamir yang dalam bahasa Arab berarti ragi, dalam proses pembuatan kue kamir ini sebelum dimasak, terlebih dahulu didiamkan semalam agar bisa mengembang dengan sempurna dan tejadinya proses fermentasi.
Sumber: wikipedia
Lihat Juga : restaurant, restoran, cafe
Jumat, 06 Agustus 2010
Tofu skin also known as dried beancurd, yuba or bean skim, is a Chinese and Japanese food product made from soybeans. During the boiling of soy milk, in an open shallow pan, a film or skin composed primarily of a soy protein–lipid complex forms on the liquid surface. The films are collected and dried into yellowish sheets known as tofu skin or soy milk skin. Because it is derived directly from soy milk, the name tofu skin is technically inaccurate.
Tofu skin may be purchased in fresh or dried form. In the latter case, the tofu skin is rehydrated in water before use. It is often used to wrap dim sum.
Because of its slightly rubbery texture, tofu skin is also manufactured in bunched, folded and wrapped forms that are used as meat substitutes in vegetarian cuisine. Tofu skins can be wrapped and then folded against itself to make doù baō (Chinese: 豆包, literally "tofu package"). These are often fried to give it a firmer skin before being cooked further.
See also: makanan, minuman
Kamis, 05 Agustus 2010
Lema itu sendiri dimasak dengan cara yang tidak berbeda dengan tempoyak. Lema beraroma agak tidak sedap baunya. Itu merupakan efek dari pembusukan dari ikan yang dicampur dengan rebung. Meskipun baunya yang tidak sedap, tapi banyak yang menyukainya. Keunikan dari aroma dan cita rasa yang dihasilkan lema, menjadikan makanan ini bukan sekedar disukai suku bangsa Rejang. Lema lebih nikmat bila dimasak dengan campuran santan dan ditambahkan dengan ikan air tawar maupun ikan laut. Pada umumnya, lema dimasak dengan ditambah dengan ikan mas, tongkol, maupun ikan yang biasa dikonsumsi manusia pada umumnya.
Mengenai cita rasa yang dihasilkan lema, makanan ini termasuk dari selera khas Sumatera. Lema memiliki rasa asam dan pedas, serta aroma yang unik tapi gurih setelah dimasak. Setelah masak, lema biasanya dimakan sebagai lauk. Lema lebih nikmat dimakan dengan ditemani lalapan seperti kabau, jering, atau petai.
Lema juga telah menjadi komoditi ekspor ke Jepang, meskipun banyak juga suku bangsa Rejang yang tidak mengetahui hal itu. Lema dikemas secara modern ke dalam kaleng. Kemasannya tidak berbeda dengan kemasan kornet ataupun sarden yang biasa dijual di warung maupun toko-toko manisan modern lainnya. Lema telah dijadikan makanan pengganti dari tradisi orang Jepang yang biasa memakan ikan mentah yang telah terbukti penyebab penyakit Minamata di Jepang. Rasa lema yang sesuai dengan selera Jepang, menjadikan lema makanan favorit yang dikenal secara internasional di Jepang. Mengenai asal-usul lema, secara kentara tidak dipublikasikan bahwa makanan tersebut asal mulanya dari karya salah satu suku bangsa di Indonesia.
Sumber: Wikipedia
Lihat Juga: Restaurant Restoran
Rabu, 04 Agustus 2010
Chinese Hot Pot
Hot pot (Chinese: 火鍋; pinyin: huǒ guō), less commonly Chinese fondue or steamboat, refers to several East Asian varieties of stew, consisting of a simmering metal pot of stock at the center of the dining table. While the hot pot is kept simmering, ingredients are placed into the pot and are cooked at the table. Typical hot pot dishes include thinly sliced meat, leafy vegetables, mushrooms, wontons, egg dumplings, and seafood. The cooked food is usually eaten with a dipping sauce. In many areas, hot pot meals are often eaten in the winter.
The Chinese hot pot boasts a history of more than 1000 years. While often called "Mongolian hot pot”, it is unclear if the dish actually originates in Mongolia. Mongol warriors had been known to cook with their helmets, which they used to boil food, but due to the complexity and specialization of the utensils and the method of eating it, hot pot cooking is much better suited to a sedentary culture. A nomadic household will avoid such highly specialized tools, to save volume and weight during migration. Both the preparation method and the required equipment are unknown in the cuisine of Mongolia of today.
Hot pot cooking seems to have spread to northern China during the Tang Dynasty (A.D. 618-906). In time, regional variations developed with different ingredients such as seafood. By the Qing Dynasty, the hot pot became popular throughout most of China. Today in many modern homes, particularly in the big cities, the traditional coal-heated steamboat or hot pot has been replaced by electric, gas or induction cooker versions.
Because hot pot styles change so much from region to region, many different ingredients are used.
See also: loewy, table 8, chinese food
Kerajinan Tangan Batu Alam
Indonesia memiliki kekayaan batu alam yang luar biasa. Banyak dari batu alam itu berubah menjadi hiasan yang banyak diminati setelah diolah oleh menjadi kerajinan tangan yang indah. Selain indah sehagai hiasan kecantikan seperti cincin, kalung, gelang, tusuk konde dan bros, batu-batu mulia ini juga digunakan untuk asesoris tas atau gantungan kunci.
Selain berfungsi sebagai hiasan, batu-batu ini juga dipercaya memiliki tuah. Ada jenis-jenis batu yang cocok dipakai berdasarkan bulan kelahiran, misalnya bulan Januari dengan batu garmet, zircon; Februari dengan batu amethyst, citrine dan lain-lain.
Salah satu perajin yang mengembangkan berbagai macam jenis batuan ini adalah Adelima Martapura yang berpusat di Martapura, Kalimantan Selatan dan Bekasi. Dari tangan mereka berbagai jenis batuan dikemas menjadi hiasan yang indahSelain Adelima Martapura, di kawasan Pondok Indah terdapat Aharyacitta yang lebih fokus pada kerajinan dari batu mulia, mutiara dan perak khusus untuk perhiasan wanita. Sesuai dengan namanya yang berarti perhiasan yang enak digunakan atau dirasakan, perhiasan produk home industry ini sangat memikat para wanita untuk mengenakannya, karena dari segi penampilan sangat memikat dan indah.
Bahan-bahan yang digunakan pun tergolong batuan yang langka dan bernilai tinggi. Precious stone, demikian batu-batu mulia itu disebut, memiliki keistimewaan. Selain langka, juga memiliki warna-warna yang yang indah. Batu-batuan itu antara lain coral stone yang berwarna merah, berasal dari Kalimantan, turquoise yang berwarna biru atau hijau.
Meski produk kerajinan tangan ini belum lama diluncurkan, tetapi peminatnya cukup banyak, karena termasuk produk yang unik dan berkualitas selain menggunakan bahan-bahan yang termasuk langka.
Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan : Iklan & Jasa - Iklan Baris & Iklan Gratis – Indonesia
Japanese Drinks
Aojiru (青汁?) is a Japanese vegetable drink most commonly made from kale. The drink is also known as green drink or green juice in English, a direct translation of the Japanese meaning. (In modern Japanese, the character 青 ao means "blue", but it is commonly still used in older contexts to refer to green vegetation.)
Aojiru was developed in October 1943 by Dr. Niro Endo (遠藤仁郎, Endō Nirō?), an army doctor who experimented with juices extracted from the discarded leaves of various vegetables in an attempt to supplement his family's meager wartime diet. He credited the cure of his son from pneumonia and of his wife from nephritis to aojiru, and in 1949 concluded that kale was the best ingredient for his juice.
Aojiru was popularized in 1983 by Q'SAI (キューサイ?), who started marketing 100% kale aojiru in powdered form as a dietary supplement, and sales boomed after 2000 when cosmetics giant Fancl started mass retailing of the juice. Today, many Japanese companies manufacture aojiru, usually using kale, young barley or komatsuna leaves as the base of the drink, and the size of the aojiru market was well over $500 million in 2005.
The taste of aojiru is famously unpleasant, so much so that drinking a glass of the liquid is a common punishment on Japanese TV game shows. However, new formulations of aojiru have attempted to minimize the bitter taste of the original.
See also: restoran, makanan, minumanBurrito
Kata burrito, dalam bahasa Spanyol, berarti "keledai kecil". Nama ini mungkin diberikan karena bentuk ujung tortilla gandum yang telah digulung mirip dengan telinga keledai. Atau mungkin juga burrito mirip dengan kantong-kantong yang biasanya digendong oleh keledai di Amerika Selatan.
Sumber: Wikipedia
Lihat Juga: Restoran Restaurant
Selasa, 03 Agustus 2010
Ice cream
United States
In the United States, ice cream made with just cream, sugar, and a flavouring (usually fruit) is sometimes referred to as "Philadelphia style"ice cream. Ice creams made with eggs, usually in the form of frozen custards, are sometimes called "French" ice creams or traditional ice cream.
American federal labeling standards require ice cream to contain a minimum of 10% milk fat (about 7 grams (g) of fat per 1/2 cup [120 mL] serving), 20% total milk solids by weight, to weigh no less than 4.5 pounds per gallon (in order to prevent consumer fraud by replacing ingredients with air), and to contain less than 1.4% egg yolk solids. Federal government regulations pertaining to the process of making ice cream, allowable ingredients, and standards, may be found in Part 135 of Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
Ice cream is an extremely popular dessert in the United States. Americans consume about 15 quarts (more than 13 liters) of ice cream per person per year — the most in the world. As a foodstuff it is deeply ingrained into the American psyche and has been available in America since its founding in 1776: there are records of Thomas Jefferson serving it as a then-expensive treat to guests at his home in Monticello. In American supermarkets it is not uncommon for ice cream and related products to take up a wall full of freezers.
Although chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry are the traditional favorite flavors of ice cream, and once enjoyed roughly equal popularity, vanilla has grown to be far and away the most popular, most likely because of its use as a topping for fruit based pies and its use as the key ingredient for milkshakes. According to the International Ice Cream Association (1994), supermarket sales of ice cream break down as follows: vanilla, 28%; fruit flavours, 15%; nut flavours, 13.5%; candy mix-in flavours, 12.5%; chocolate, 8%; cake and cookie flavours, 7.5%; Neapolitan, 7%; and coffee/mocha, 3%. Other flavours combine for 5.5%. Sales in ice cream parlors are more variable, as new flavours come and go, but about three times as many people call vanilla their favorite than chocolate, the runner-up.