Senin, 28 Juni 2010

Taxus baccata

The European yew (Taxus baccata), also Common Yew or Yew called, is the only European species in the genus of the yew (Taxus) and the oldest (Tertiary,) and schattenverträglichste tree species in Europe. The evergreen, slow growing and without resin yew tree growing and tree has or will be in Central in general not exceed 15 meters. You can reach a very great age.

Yews are dioecious, as a rule, male and female flowers are on different trees. Except for the bright red at maturity by carotenoids colored seed coat, the aril, which surrounds the cup-like seeds, all parts of the European yew plants are highly toxic. In all European countries include the European yew tree to the protected plant species. In Germany, it is on the red list of endangered species (Hazard Class 3: endangered) and was in the 1994 Tree of the Year.

While the use of yew trees in the forest sector today has no economic significance, the pruning yews are often used since the Renaissance in the garden design. They were and are mainly planted as an evergreen, cut hedges.

The evergreen yew is European in its form a very variable species that grows depending on site conditions, tree or tree has. In extreme conditions such as in high mountains or cliff faces, is growing even as Kriechstrauch. Characteristic and striking is the thin gray to reddish brown Schuppenborke the yew logs. In Central Europe, only very few trees reach height of 15 meters. In the north of Turkey, however, grow monumental yews, the plant height of 20 feet and reach in the mixed forests of the Caucasus there are a few yews, which reach a height of 32 meters. Young yew generally have a stem with a distinct main axis, while sexually mature yews are often multi-stemmed, however. Because of their high vegetative reproductive assets suckers, Triebstämmlinge and the rooting of branches that touch the ground, are characteristic of the European Yew. By the coalescence of individual strains may emerge to be one meter thick complex strains. sets from the age of 250 years for yews are often a core rots in Stammesinneren one who can lead, over the centuries to an almost complete erosion of the tree. Characteristic of the age stage of the European yew, is that the tree in spite of the first hollow stem has a fully developed tree crown, to the hollow stem, the crown can not bear weight and break off parts of the tree. It will remain circular or semicircular Related root fragments, which are completed under favorable circumstances by new shoots from the stump or root system. Ancient yew have two strategies available, which allows them to replace rot away from within one master: The hollow Stammesinneren they are occasionally inner roots that can develop into a new strain. Alternatively stammbürtige shoots outside of the Primärstamm grow up vertically, so very old yew trees, only occasionally from such a heavily thickened rim and are each deformed Triebstämme.
The crown of the European yew is where deep: Free-standing trees are often beastet to the bottom. The crown is conical in young trees, wide and develops with increasing age of the tree to a round, oval or spherical shape. Their maximum height reached by the European yew average around the age of 90 years. The diameter growth of the stem is made up, however in an age of 200 years on.

See Also: international flower delivery, florist

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